Ligne de lumière synchrotron ROCK

La ligne de lumière ROCK (Rocking Optics for Chemical Kinetics) est une ligne de spectroscopie d’absorption X en mode Quick-EXAFS dans le domaine 4 - 40 keV.

Financée par l’ANR dans le cadre des Projets Investissements d’Avenir (ANR-10-EQPX-45), ROCK est dédiée à l'étude des processus cinétiques rapides sur des nanomatériaux utilisés principalement dans le domaine de la catalyse et des batteries. ROCK contribue ainsi au développement de catalyseurs et de batteries plus performants qui pourront trouver des applications industrielles dans le domaine de la production et du stockage de l'énergie en conformité avec la protection de la santé publique et de l’environnement.

Main technical features

  • Energy range 4 – 40 keV
  • 2 Quick-XAFS monochromators, Si(111) and Si(220)
  • Energy resolution 2.10-4 to  5.10-5 DE/E
  • Beam size at sample position: 400 µm to 4.9 mm horizontally (FWHM) and 120 µm  to 2.2 mm  vertically (FWHM)
  • X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
  • Operando Quick-XAFS with edge jumping
  • Operando combination of spectroscopies: Raman, UV-Visible and Quick-XAFS

Sample preparation

Various and flexible sample environments devoted to the different kinds of experiments are available on the beamline for catalysis, batteries, reactions in solution, etc.

Access conditions

Access to SOLEIL beamlines is open to scientists coming from all over the world. SOLEIL deals with proposals submitted by scientists from academic institutions as well as researchers and engineers from commercial organisations and private companies. Access may be of two kinds:

  • Free of charge for users whose results are open for publication (mandatory) and whose proposal has been evaluated by a Peer Review Committee.
  • With charge for admission for users requesting rapid access and/or confidentiality without peer review process and keeping the proprietary of their results.

For more details: Access modes
