Analytical chemistry Platform

Our research activities on energy storage and CO2 reduction require an analytical support for the

analysis and quantification of a large variety of gases as well as small molecules present in different solvents. To this effect, we have access in our laboratory to several analytical equipments, among them three Gas chromatographs (Shimadzu and SRI) with two analysis lines for each device:

  • two lines using a methanizer coupled to a Flame Ionization Detector allowing the detection of carbon monoxide, volatile alkanes and alkenes like methane, propane, propene,… The methanizer is used to reduce chemically the carbon monoxide in methane and enables the FID to detect very low levels of CO.
  • two lines with TCD detectors to analyze samples containing dihydrogen or dioxygen.
  • two lines for the injection of liquid phase in order to detect methanol, ethanol and small molecules present in the solvent.
Access conditions
Contact the person in charge of the equipment