Laboratoire de Mécanique des Sols, Structures et Matériaux
MSSMat (UMR8579)

Environmental sciences and Safety, Health, Welfare, Biotechnologies and Industry, Time resolved and multi-techniques characterization, Multi-scale modelling
Our research objectives in relation to porous media are as follows:
- In biomechanics, we are interested in the microstructure-properties (especially mechanical) of porous biological tissues. To do this, we implement observation and characterization methods at different scales, up to the atomic scale, with the HRTEM Titan acquired as part of the MatMeca EquipEx. Tests on microassay cells are being set up and we want to use them in controlled environments. An important aspect for biological tissues is hydration. It would therefore be interesting to cross-reference experiences on this type of test and on the control aspects of experimental conditions.
- In bone tissue engineering, scaffolds are the porous scaffolds on which cells proliferate. The flow around and in these scaffolds drives proliferation and its knowledge is therefore crucial for optimizing proliferation. Here, we think it is interesting to discuss the modelling of flows in porous media in order to benefit from advances in other fields.
- In soil mechanics, the objective is also to link the microstructure to hydromechanical properties, especially in the case of soils treated with binders, biocemented, polluted, etc. The research is based on physico-chemical characterizations (DRX, BET, ATD-ATG, IR spectrometry, UV...), field measurements, observations and measurements at different particle and pore scales: MET, SEM, µCT, mercury porosimetry, mechanical tests in different deformation fields, etc.
- In numerical mechanics, we develop finite element modelling and simulation methods for wave propagation in heterogeneous and anisotropic environments such as polycrystalline materials. The objective is to characterize the polycrystalline microstructure from ultrasonic non-destructive testing data. It would therefore be interesting to enrich the approaches developed and apply them to porous media. A topical application is the detection of defects (pores, cracks, etc.) and the identification of the microstructural characteristics of parts resulting from additive manufacturing.
Characterization of porous media
Porosimetry by mercury intrusion
Mechanical testing
Numerical modeling
Upscaling methods
Tissue engineering
Organic fabrics
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