Laurent Talon Laurent Talon

Talon Laurent

CNRS Research Officer

Laurent Talon has been a researcher at the FAST laboratory since 2005. His research field is based on flow and transport in confined geometry in general (porous media, fracture, hele-shaw...etc). As the FAST laboratory is mainly experimental, its position in this laboratory is to help the understanding of experimental results with the help of digital techniques, mainly Lattice Boltzmann's methods.

He has worked on various problems in porous media such as scale change methods for flows in porous media or heterogeneous fractures.

He was also interested in passive or reactive transport problems in the presence of disorder.

His current research focuses on non-Newtonian flows as well as two-phase flows in porous media. For which, he studies the different flow regimes according to the disorder of the environment.

Flow in porous medium Passive and reactive transport Complex fluids Two-phase flow