Call for proposals 2021 - Equipment
Respore launches its 2021 call for proposals for equipment.
Eligible projects are carried out between Respore labs and the project leader must be identified as a member of the network.Partnerships outside of DIM are possible.
This call for proposals concerns equipment (Respore's contribution over 50k euros and up tu 150k euros, pre-tax cost).
The evaluation criteria are the following:
- Scientific and technical quality of the project.
- Innovative aspect of the project.
- Quality of the cofinancing plan and of the environment of the project.
- Conditions for access to Respore members.
- A federative and structuring effect for the network is an asset but is not mandatory.
Download below the conditions and the form of response to the call for proposals (in English).
Calendar :
Deadline for proposal submission : April 15, 2021 at midnight, on the dedicated platform :
NB: Small equipment proposals can be submitted at any moment of the year. The deposit platform for the year 2021 is available at the following link: